The Medical Board of Australia’s new CPD rules are here. They are complex and mandatory.
80% of our members say they want help in meeting the additional requirements.
In response, PCPA has co-designed a bespoke digital toolkit, CPD4MedProfessional, with our education partners, ScienceToLife. It is tailored specifically to the needs of medical and radiation oncologists and haematologists in the private health sector and is exclusively available to our members with a special discount rate of $299.
You are also invited to have early bird access to the personal concierge service to help guide you through the process.
Member Benefits
The benefits of include:
- Category 1 – Customised Educational Activities provide tracking and recording tools with links to relevant education in a user-friendly format.
- Category 2 – Bespoke Professional Development Plan provides the relevant tools and resources you need to create your mandatory professional development plan. With an easy to use framework and auto-fill options, you can create specific SMART goals and complete the requirement for CPD.
- Category 3 – Customised Clinical Audit – gives you access to online surveys to provide an audit of your patient management. These tools are customised to suit your specific clinical practice and provide insights into your patient management compared to national and international guidelines. Reports are delivered in a clear and easy-to-understand format with visual representations.
So please do take advantage of and let us know of your experience.