The Private Cancer Physicians of Australia (PCPA) would like to invite you to a one-day workshop on Precision Oncology – from Genomics to Therapeutics.  This meeting will be a practical, back to basics one day workshop and all Medical Oncologists, Fellows and Advanced Trainees are welcome to attend.

Register here:

With more than half of all Australians with cancer being treated in the private health sector, private cancer physicians (medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and haematologists), are committed to delivering to our patients, world-class cancer care – that is safe, accessible, equitable and affordable.

Click here to view the Final Program.

You are invited to attend this workshop on Saturday February 24th in Melbourne at the AC at Marriot Southbank to learn more about Precision Medicine. Meeting, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.  Accommodation and flights are at your own expense. Accommodation is at premium prices in Melbourne at this time, however the hotel still has limited accommodation options available. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing further information about the meeting.

Should you require any assistance, please contact PCPA Secretariat on or Phone 07 3872 2234.